Simple Cover Page

The rm2-template-cover shell script uses ImageMagick's magick command to create a simple .png template which can be used as a "cover page" for notebooks in a reMarkable tablet. It looks like this ...

Hey, I said it was simple ... 😁


This script, and the .png files it creates, are too simple to worry about licensing, so...

Public Domain

To the extent possible under law, John Simpson has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this script and/or the image files it produces.

These works are published from the United States of America.

The rm2-template-cover Script

You can modify the size and position of the box on the page by changing the values of the following variables:

  • BOX_W is the width of the box.
  • BOX_H is the height of the box.
  • BOX_Y is the vertical position of the top of the box. 0 is the top of the image.

Download ⇒ rm2-template-cover

# rm2-template-cover
# John Simpson <> 2023-07-04
# Create a simple "cover page" template
# 2023-07-09 jms1 - renamed script

# Page dimensions
# These values are correct for reMarkable tablets, only change if you're
# making a cover image to fit some other device.


# Background colour. This can be anything ImageMagick recognizes, you can run
# "magick -list color" to see a list of pre-defined colour names.
# Examples: (these are all the same colour)
# - "gray75"
# - "#BFBFBF"
# - "srgb(191,191,191)"


# Box outer dimensions and Y position.
# - X will be calculated so the box is centered on the page.



# Calculate the boxes' corner positions.
# - Each box will be "inside" the one before it.

AX1=$(( ( PAGE_W - BOX_W ) / 2 ))
AX2=$(( AX1 + BOX_W ))
AY2=$(( AY1 + BOX_H ))

BX1=$(( AX1 + 3 ))
BY1=$(( AY1 + 3 ))
BX2=$(( AX2 - 3 ))
BY2=$(( AY2 - 3 ))

CX1=$(( BX1 + 2 ))
CY1=$(( BY1 + 2 ))
CX2=$(( BX2 - 2 ))
CY2=$(( BY2 - 2 ))

DX1=$(( CX1 + 1 ))
DY1=$(( CY1 + 1 ))
DX2=$(( CX2 - 1 ))
DY2=$(( CY2 - 1 ))

# Do it

rm -f cover-simple.png

magick \
    -type GrayScale -depth 8 -size "${PAGE_W}x${PAGE_H}" "xc:${PAGE_BG}" \
    -fill black \
    -draw "rectangle $AX1 $AY1 $AX2 $AY2" \
    -fill $PAGE_BG \
    -draw "rectangle $BX1 $BY1 $BX2 $BY2" \
    -fill black \
    -draw "rectangle $CX1 $CY1 $CX2 $CY2" \
    -fill white \
    -draw "rectangle $DX1 $DY1 $DX2 $DY2" \

Generated 2025-01-22 01:54:36 +0000
initial-89-ge84627d 2025-01-22 01:53:14 +0000