Focus Notes

The rm2-template-focus-notes shell script uses ImageMagick's magick command to create a simple .png template which looks like the "Focus Notes" layout, illustrated in the attachment to this Reddit post.


This script, and the .png files it creates, are too simple to worry about licensing, so...

Public Domain

To the extent possible under law, John Simpson has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this script and/or the image files it produces.

These works are published from the United States of America.

The rm2-template-focus-notes Script

Download ⇒ rm2-template-focus-notes

# rm2-template-focus-notes
# John Simpson <> 2023-09-14
# Programmatically create a PNG template for use as a reMarkable 2 template.
# ImageMagick:
# Liberation Fonts:

set -e

magick \
    -type GrayScale -depth 8 -size 1404x1872 'xc:white' \
    -fill black \
    -draw 'line 1000 ,   50 , 1403 ,   50' \
    -draw 'line 1000 ,  100 , 1403 ,  100' \
    -draw 'line    0 ,  120 , 1403 ,  120' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  120 ,  400 , 1620' \
    -draw 'line    0 , 1620 , 1403 , 1620' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  170 , 1403 ,  170' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  220 , 1403 ,  220' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  270 , 1403 ,  270' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  320 , 1403 ,  320' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  370 , 1403 ,  370' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  420 , 1403 ,  420' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  470 , 1403 ,  470' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  520 , 1403 ,  520' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  570 , 1403 ,  570' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  620 , 1403 ,  620' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  670 , 1403 ,  670' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  720 , 1403 ,  720' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  770 , 1403 ,  770' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  820 , 1403 ,  820' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  870 , 1403 ,  870' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  920 , 1403 ,  920' \
    -draw 'line  400 ,  970 , 1403 ,  970' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1020 , 1403 , 1020' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1070 , 1403 , 1070' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1120 , 1403 , 1120' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1170 , 1403 , 1170' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1220 , 1403 , 1220' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1270 , 1403 , 1270' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1320 , 1403 , 1320' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1370 , 1403 , 1370' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1420 , 1403 , 1420' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1470 , 1403 , 1470' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1520 , 1403 , 1520' \
    -draw 'line  400 , 1570 , 1403 , 1570' \
    -font 'Liberation-Sans' \
    -pointsize 20 \
    -draw 'text 940 ,   50 "DATE"' \
    -draw 'text 895 ,  100 "PURPOSE"' \
    -draw 'text   5 ,  140 "CUE COLUMN"' \
    -draw 'text 405 ,  140 "NOTES"' \
    -draw 'text   5 , 1640 "SUMMARY"' \

Generated 2025-02-01 19:58:20 +0000
initial-92-gc3c53b0 2025-02-01 19:57:44 +0000