rm2-download script


Command line script to download documents and templates from rM tablet. Write the same archive files as RCU.

  • download documents to .rmn files

  • download templates to .rmt files

  • download folders to .rmf files (placeholders for UUIDs, so documents can be uploaded back to the same folder they were originally in)

  • options to download "all documents", "all templates", "just custom templates", "everything"

  • .rmn and .rmt files can be uploaded using RCU


85% done, still a few minor bugs

When I started writing this script I didn't realize that RCU had a command line interface. Now that I'm invested in the rm2-download script, I want to get it (and the rm2-upload script) finished. The act of writing these scripts is helping me better understand how documents are stored on the tablet, which I think will come in handy when/if I start on other ideas.

Generated 2025-02-01 19:58:20 +0000
initial-92-gc3c53b0 2025-02-01 19:57:44 +0000