RCU - reMarkable Connection Utility

reMarkable Connection Utility, or RCU, is a third-party program to manage reMarkable tablets without using the reMarkable cloud service.

I'm not going to try and list everything it does, but the features that I use the most are ...

  • Uploading and managing custom templates. This can be done by hand, however RCU makes it a lot easier.

  • Moving notebooks, EPUB, and PDF files beween folders. Again, this can be done by hand, however RCU makes it easier.

  • Virtual Printer. When the computer "prints" to it, the print job is saved as a PDF on the tablet.

  • Screenshots. RCU is able to read the contents of the display and save it as a .png image file.

RCU isn't free, but it isn't expensive - I paid all of $12 for it.

Customers are able to download and run the program on as many machines as they like. They are also able to download the source code, access the git repository, and participate in a private "developer" mailing list. They're also entitled to free updates for a year - and to be honest, as long as the price stays the same, I'm fine with paying what amounts to a $12/yr subscription.

So far I've been very happy with it. If you have any interest in being able to do more with your reMarkable tablet than what the built-in software supports, or if you're using a tablet which doesn't sync with the reMarkable cloud, I highly recommend it.

ℹ️ reMarkable Paper Pro

As I'm writing this (2024-10-06), the rMPP is still very new. RCU's developer had to order one and wait for it to arrive, just like everybody else. He does have it now, and is working on updating RCU to support it.

I believe his plan is to make the current "develop" build, which supports the rM1 and rM2, into the "release" build, and start a new "develop" release which will support the rMPP.

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